Let Life Happen TALK

In Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

In case you didn’t catch the messages last evening, Let Life Happen TALK launched its first internet broadcast at 8:00 p.m.  It was almost as much of a surprise to me as it is to you as Kirk did not tell me about it until late Friday afternoon after he had the whole thing all set.  However, I must say …

A Special Tribute to My Husband

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

January 22nd has become a very special day to me.  Not only is it the 2nd anniversary of writing my weekly blog but also I walked out of the doctor’s office yesterday after my final follow up after my reconstructive surgery.  I feel so free.  But, the next thing that came into my mind is the thought that I could …

Happy Anniversary to Me

In Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

Next Friday, January 22nd, will mark the 2nd anniversary of my writing this weekly blog.  Now while to many this may not seem to be any big accomplishment, it truly is a major milestone for me.  The main reason for that is that I came to this task kicking and screaming, in my own way.  I really didn’t think that …

A Call to Action for Women’s Medical Rights

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness by Barbara Jacoby

As a two-time breast cancer survivor, I have been carefully watching all of the controversy that has been going on from the testing of young women for the breast cancer gene through the universal health care debates and now, the new recommendations for breast cancer and cervical cancer screening.  I have finally reached the point where I am really angry …

So You Think You Can Dance and the Breast Cancer Connection

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness by Barbara Jacoby

“So You Think You Can Dance” choreographer Tyce DiOrio created an unbelievably moving dance routine for this week’s episode centered on a woman with breast cancer. The number was performed by Ade (pronounced Ah-day) and Melissa who danced so beautifully that everyone, including all of the judges, was moved to tears. As was discussed collectively in comments from judges Nigel …

Happy Anniversary

In Creating Happiness by Barbara Jacoby

Today Kirk and I celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary.  It would have also been my parents’ 68th anniversary if they were still alive.  As I told Kirk at the time, I wanted to get married on that date because if our marriage was half as successful as theirs was, I would really be very happy.  Well, all I can say …

MySpace Friends

In Creating Happiness, Domestic Abuse News by Barbara Jacoby

I had an entirely different subject picked out for my musings today but having just completed a number of interactions with some of MySpace “friends”, I have decided to go in a different direction.  I have made a connection with so many wonderful, strong, caring and sharing new people there that I just have to share.  The last place that …

“Walk Like A Man” Walk-A-Thon” Wrap Up of Premiere

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness by Barbara Jacoby

Although the final count is not tallied, the Crespi Carmelite High School male lacrosse team raised more than $44,000.00 by the start of their premiere event that was held yesterday at the school. What an awesome result in only two months! The guys will be sponsoring a variety of other events in their effort to raise $140,000.00 by the end …

“Walk Like A Man” Walk-A-Thon – Part 5

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness by Barbara Jacoby

Last week I wrote an open letter to the Crespi Carmelite High School lacrosse team members. I asked the girl who had involved me in this project whether she would provide a copy of the letter for each of the team members and have the team coaches hand them out to the guys. She agreed to do so and I …

A Special Thank You

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness by Barbara Jacoby

AN OPEN LETTER TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CRESPI HIGH SCHOOL MALE LACROSSE TEAM You don’t know me but you are my heroes. And if you are wondering why, I will tell you. I know about your great efforts to walk and to raise money for the “Walk Like A Man” Walk-a-thon for Breast Cancer Testing and Research. I know …