“Walk Like A Man” Walk-a-thon for Breast Cancer Testing and Research Part 2 After I finished last week’s blog, I realized that it was number 52. What better way to complete a year of weekly postings than to launch such a wonderful project on this site. I have decided that the best way to provide more information about this special …
My Support System
I stopped by the office of one of my colleagues last week to see how she was doing. Monica is a wonderful person who is married, has 3 young children and she is also taking care of her parents who live in her home. Her father is a diabetic who is receiving dialysis several times a week and whose health …
My Own Stand Up to Cancer
Last weekend, the three major television networks staged a major fundraiser for cancer research and raised more than $100 million. What an awesome outcome! That got me thinking about what I might be able to do to help others since I don’t have great financial resources and decided that my role would be a little different. I want to be …