Over the years since the first blog was posted on the Let Life Happen website, much has grown, changed and evolved and it is once again time to assist our breast cancer support community with an update. And if you have noted from past posts for the New Year, I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions. I believe as individuals, we celebrate the start of our personal new year on our birthday. And I don’t of a single person, including myself, who has ever made a New Year’s resolution and actually have kept it.“This will be not only for those who have ever had a breast cancer diagnosis but also for caregivers, family members, friends and even for the children who are affected by a diagnosis given to a parent or grandparent, to share your personal experience.”
Barbara Jacoby
However, I have decided that this year, for the New Year, it is the perfect time for a change to one of the modules on the website as we always endeavor to a make it a point of information and inspiration and to that end, we have created “Share Your Story” . This will be a place for everyone associate with breast cancer on any level to post their only personal experience.
This will be not only for those who have ever had a breast cancer diagnosis but also for caregivers, family members, friends and even for the children who are affected by a diagnosis given to a parent or grandparent, to share your personal experience. All you need to do is to put your own experience into writing and include your byline and send it to me at barbara@letlifehappen.com for posting.
It is just that simple. Please know that if you have any question before, during or after a submission, you can always send me an email and I hope that you will always remember that as with everything else, you may just find that your story may help and/or inspire someone else.
Barbara Jacoby is an award winning blogger that has contributed her writings to multiple online publications that have touched readers worldwide.