The New Look of Let Life Happen

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

One of my very best presents that I received during the holidays was a big surprise from my husband, Kirk. He secretly worked on a project for me and I can’t tell you how excited I was when it was revealed. He has created a brand new website for “Let Life Happen” and I didn’t know a thing about it until he was ready to take it live. So if you haven’t already visited the site, I hope that you will enjoy it even more than before with the new, easy navigation that you will find.

I can’t begin to tell you how fortunate I am to have such a warm, friendly, inviting and visual site that is so easy to navigate. While I do the writing, it is Kirk who is always fielding my questions on how to navigate many other sites so a visual one like the one he has created is just perfect for me. And if I find it easy to use, I believe that most others will hopefully be able to find whatever they might be looking for just as easily. Barbara Jacoby

I am so grateful that the new site incorporates all of the most important elements from the various locations where I am presently posting. The slider bar at the top contains the weekly blogs that are the centerpiece of the site since its beginning. If you click on any of the individual icons, you will be taken to that story’s page and you will also find easy access to other recent blogs as well as an “archive” by date of every blog written since the first one in January, 2008. Then below that, you will find a number of categories including “In The News” that contains a daily posting of what is happening in the world of cancer research, recent findings, clinical trials, etc. that keeps us up to date with regard to current events regarding all things cancer related.

Paging down a bit will lead you to easy access to the blogs that have been written for posting at as their breast cancer expert (non-medical) that are refreshed every couple of days. Next is the link to past Let Life Happen blogs that are now being syndicated on The Huffington Post. After nearly 7 years of weekly blogs, I am so honored to have the opportunity to select and post some of what I believe are the most meaningful and helpful pieces that I have written in the past.

Below that is the “Wall of Inspiration”. These are stories that people have written about those who have dealt with breast cancer in a way that has inspired others. This feature is housed on my “When Breast Cancer Happens” website and is such a wonderful source for inspiration about what I believe to be true breast cancer heroes. I am always looking for more stories that people are willing to share about someone they know who inspired them by the way in which they dealt with their breast cancer journey. Therefore, I really would appreciate it if you would visit the site and add a story there.

If you continue on, you will next see the “Breast Cancer Corner” featuring blogs specifically related to breast cancer followed by a direct link to the “When Breast Cancer Happens” website and the “Domestic Abuse” blog collection.

I can’t begin to tell you how fortunate I am to have such a warm, friendly, inviting and visual site that is so easy to navigate. While I do the writing, it is Kirk who is always fielding my questions on how to navigate many other sites so a visual one like the one he has created is just perfect for me. And if I find it easy to use, I believe that most others will hopefully be able to find whatever they might be looking for just as easily. But, if you have any problems or need help in locating something, please just send me a note and I promise that you will receive a response from me. Otherwise, I invite you to join me at Let Life Happen and When Breast Cancer Happens as well as and The Huffington Post on a regular basis to catch all of the updates being posted.