Although we addressed this topic last week, I wish to continue the discussion this week, but I have a particular question to which I am seeking an answer. I would love to hear from you if your response, when you heard that someone had cancer, was to turn and run away. I understand that this frequently happens and I think that I am beginning to understand why but I really would like to receive your story. Your identity will not be revealed if you wish but please know that you are certainly not alone if this was your response.
So this Saturday at 8:00 p.m. PST on Let Life Happen TALK, I would like to discuss this subject and would appreciate your input below. If you prefer to call in to the show, the phone number is 347-994-1310. Please let me know about your reaction and why you did not feel that you were able to stay and provide support to the person with cancer. Perhaps by sharing our experiences, we may be able to help others who, in the future, have to face this situation.
Barbara Jacoby is an award winning blogger that has contributed her writings to multiple online publications that have touched readers worldwide.