Each person who has had cancer has a story. Each story is as individual as the fingerprints of that person and we have been motivated by so many of those who have shared their stories with us. I have been struck by so many of these stories on a personal basis as I know many other people also have been. But, there is an aspect of inspiration that I have found to be missing that has had the greatest impact on me and that is the stories of those who I personally know, or have known, with cancer that have influenced my life in ways that I could never have imagined.
It is my hope and wish that “The Wall” will soon be covered with tons of stories that have honored those whose cancer journeys have made a difference to someone else.Barbara Jacoby
My father died from lung cancer (never having smoked a day in his life) exactly one year after being diagnosed. My brother suffered a heart attack and died on the operating table during his 12th surgery related to renal cell cancer. With what my family members had to deal and the strength and grace with which they lived their lives right up to the last minute of those lives has served as inspiration to me, not only as I have dealt with my 2x breast cancer but also in how one should live every day of ones life while dealing with cancer or being in perfect health.
My goal is to honor those like my father and brother who have dealt with cancer in a way that has inspired others. Just about every person that I know has had a spouse, parent, relative, friend and/or associate who have dealt with cancer. I know that so many of the people that you know have dealt with that cancer in a way that has inspired you with regard to how they have handled this journey and I would love for you to share your stories. I can’t think of a better way to honor that special person than to tell your story of how that cancer patient has made a positive difference in your life.
The process is easy. Just send us an email to WallStories@LetLifeHappen.com in which you tell your story or to which you have attached a document that provides the story that you wish to share. The submission can be as short or as long as you like. You may attach up to 3 photos that you would like to have included with the posting. We will do everything possible to get the posting up on the Wall of Inspiration as soon as possible so that we can not only share your story with others but also so you can let that special person and/or the families know how you have chosen to honor them. If you would like to visit the Wall of Inspiration as it currently appears, just click here to view those submissions that have already been received and posted.
It is my hope and wish that “The Wall” will soon be covered with tons of stories that have honored those whose cancer journeys have made a difference to someone else. Please feel free to submit as many stories as you wish as you may know more than one person who should be honored for the inspiration that they have provided to others. And if you need any help or guidance with your submission, you can email us at WallStories@LetLifeHappen.com with your questions and inquiries. In this way we can not only honor your special people but we can also help others who will also be inspired by these stories.
Barbara Jacoby is an award winning blogger that has contributed her writings to multiple online publications that have touched readers worldwide.