Happy New Year

In Creating Happiness by Barbara Jacoby

Wow! What a roller coaster ride we had in 2008. While I learned a great deal about myself, my husband and my family and friends, I am certainly glad that this year is about to end. But, I also understand that just because the calendar indicates that it is a brand new year that does not mean that the slate is totally wiped clean and we have a brand new beginning. However, that also does not mean that we can’t set some new goals and make some decisions about some changes that we would like to make in our lives during 2009.

I am not one to look back over the last year and talk about what has happened or how things might have been different. I lived each day to the best of my ability and if anyone feels differently about that, I don’t really care. Of course I could have made different choices along the way but I didn’t. I could have handled a number of situations differently but I didn’t. Regardless of any choices I made along the way, I learned something new and it is up to me to remember those lessons so that I don’t have to repeat them again.

So now it is on to 2009 with all of the wide-eyed expectations and hopes and dreams for the changes that I would like to create in my life. I know what they are and I don’t have to publicize them here or share them with anyone else. I have been working on some new goals already and I am looking forward to the opportunities that some of those goals may bring about.

Next week in this blog, I am going to inaugurate the year with an announcement about a brand new program that I am supporting. I hope that all of you will take the time to read about it and if you are struck about this undertaking anywhere near as much as I have been, I will look forward to your getting on board and making a big difference for so many people.

In the interim, I would like to send out my greetings to you for a marvelous and fun New Year’s Eve celebration. I also want to send along to each and everyone my wishes for the realization of all of your hopes and dreams in the New Year and my thanks to you for your help and support this past year. It is appreciated more than you will ever know.