Today Kirk and I celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary. It would have also been my parents’ 68th anniversary if they were still alive. As I told Kirk at the time, I wanted to get married on that date because if our marriage was half as successful as theirs was, I would really be very happy. Well, all I can say is that our marriage is so much more than I could ever have imagined and I can’t help but reflect on some major events.
Kirk and I originally met at a restaurant called “Romeo & Juliet’s”. It was on April 8, 1989 which was my father’s birthday. My father had died on January 2, 1989 and I do remember that as I put the key into the door of my apartment when I got home, in my mind I thanked my dad for the presents that he had sent to me on his birthday (also met another special person on that day). Although in my wildest imagination I never thought that Kirk and I would end up being married, I do know to this day that my dad was responsible for sending him to me and for that I am eternally grateful.
Music was the original connection for Kirk and me. I loved to see his performances and could never tell you how much joy they brought to me. A couple of years after we were married, I started waking up on Sunday mornings with song lyrics running through my mind. Now I had never even thought about being a lyricist but I started writing down the words and in most cases, I had a completed song within about 20 minutes. I decided to share them with Kirk who had never composed music in the past and he was inspired to write the music for them. I don’t believe that anything happens by accident. And from those songs, we decided to have Kirk record a CD which ended up being titled “Let Life Happen” which is also the title of one of the songs on that CD. I also want to share that one of the songs on that CD, “Don’t Change”, was written by Kirk for me on Valentine’s Day. What a treasure that was to me.
As Kirk built the website for our music and we endeavored to share that music in the hope of helping and inspiring others, we did receive a lot of feedback from people letting us know what the songs meant to them. I had a very dear friend who was a two-time breast cancer survivor that was actively involved with helping others by preparing gift baskets for the women in their area in which she lived. We provided her with CD’s to include in the baskets until she again had a return of her cancer and she past away.
Shortly after I had my first cancer surgery, two additional cancers were found and I elected to have a double mastectomy. At that time, Kirk suggested and prodded and nudged me about writing a blog. It took him two weeks to succeed and he chose to convert our music site into my current Let Life Happen site although you can still check out our music there. Because of his support and love and caring and sharing in all arenas, I have finally been able to address issues that were buried so deeply that I would never have thought they would ever resurface. The care that he has taken with me through 3 surgeries encompassing 4 procedures with one more surgery to go that will include 2 separate procedures has been phenomenal. I can’t even begin to imagine what we will accomplish together as we are starting another new year together. All that I can say is that I truly know that I am blessed and I thank God each day for allowing him to be in my life.
I would love your comments.