Announcement: HER2+ Breast Cancer Program on Lifetime Channel Wednesday Oct 24th at 7:30 am ET/PT

In In The News by Barbara Jacoby

On behalf of Puma Biotechnology, I wanted to let you know of a program by Access Health on HER2+ Breast Cancer, airing on the Lifetime channel.  Puma was honored to sponsor this program which features Dr. Reshma Mahtani, Associate Professor, Silvestre Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami.  In this program and during the interview, Dr. Mahtani will address the following topics:

  1. What is HER2+ Breast Cancer?
  2. What treatment advances have been made
  3. Ways to reduce recurrence.

We hope you will find this program helpful to the Breast Cancer community and that you will  consider sharing it with your constituents

Airtime: Wednesday October 24th, 7:30am ET/PT, 6:30am CT, 5:30am MT LIFETIME Channel