A Father’s Day Tribute to All Men

In Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

My father and father-in-law are not here to celebrate Father’s Day with Kirk and me. However, that does not mean that they are not thought of often and appreciated for what they contributed to our lives. These men played such a major role in influencing our lives, as do all fathers, in ways they may never know. That is why I would like to honor them with an open letter to all men whether they are fathers or not.

We are all a product of our upbringing. Whether or

We are all a product of our upbringing. Whether or not we had a father present in our lives also has its effects. The men in our lives pass along to their children the values and attitudes that they were taught by their fathers regardless of whether they are positive or negative.
not we had a father present in our lives also has its effects. The men in our lives pass along to their children the values and attitudes that they were taught by their fathers regardless of whether they are positive or negative. And it seems that over time, it has been decided what attributes should be exhibited by a man and what expectations society has with regard to how they should live their lives. I personally think that the time has come to end all of the stereotypes with regard to all people and particularly with regard to men as it has been the hardest one to break.

Everyone knows what is right and wrong. No matter what you may have been taught about the way you should be, you are an individual. Being a “real man” does not mean being the meanest guy on the football field or slugging down beers with the guys over a game of pool or a dart match or having the biggest, baddest motorcycle in town. It does not mean telling others what to do just because that is what you want or bullying others, in particular, your own family members. Being a real man is being respectful of everyone and allowing them to be whom and what they are and expecting the same respect from others in return.

So, I would like to pay tribute to every man who has learned to be a man. It doesn’t matter what notoriety you may have or what you have attained financially in life. It does matter whether you are kind to others, respect their rights and do everything that you can to support another person’s choices. It does matter if you have learned about what love is, how to love another and care for and cherish the special people in your life. I know that this can be particularly difficult for someone who is a father when it comes to supporting some of the choices and perhaps even lifestyles that your son has chosen to live. But, if you can step back and allow your son to live his own life and support his choices, you are a bigger man than most.

Every man should be treated with dignity and respect and given the same right to choose a career, partner and life as anyone else. Every man should be loved for exactly who and what he is. And any man who finds that his life is filled with others who do not respect him and do not treat him as he should be treated needs to change the people and the situations around him that are sub-standard. No man should ever settle for less as life is way to short. Always remember to just be true to yourself and you will never go wrong.