What Is Most Important In Your Life

In Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

Most import featureFor as long as I can remember, I have lived my life focused on my work from Monday through Friday and trying to catch up on everything else in the evenings and on the weekends.  Obviously, while this does not allow for much in the way of personal time, it does provide for a sense of accomplishment in two of the major parts of my life.  However, recently I have realized that this is definitely not enough in order to enjoy my life.  But, what can I do to change things so that I can do everything that I want?

The question then becomes what is most important in your life?  Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone and become what you really want to be?

I suppose the most important thing was an assessment of what I have to do and what I want to do and I reached some startling realizations.  All of the pressures that I have in my life are self-created and most of that comes from a need for perfection.  I always want to be the best at what I do and I want my efforts to be recognized and acknowledged.  However, as we know, in the real world that doesn’t always happen so what I do is try to work harder and smarter than anyone else around me in order to receive that recognition.  But, I have finally realized that such will never be the case.  I have found that the harder I work, the more I am given to do and the more is expected of me.  If those around me had an appreciation for what I accomplish, they would let me know that they appreciate it. However, while they recognize my accomplishments, their acknowledgement is the dumping of more work on me because they know that it will always get done.  On my part, I always accepted that work with the hope that eventually I would be rewarded for my efforts.  Now I finally realize that I have only been kidding myself.

The second part of this assessment is to determine what I would really love to do and determine how I can make that my work and still take care of my responsibilities and have time for a personal life.  While I have the answers to those questions, I believe that there is an underlying safety in knowing that the job that I currently have is something that I know I can do and that the money and benefits that I receive are adequate to cover my needs.  It reminds me of the old phrase, “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”.  Is the adequacy of what I have worth continuing on the same path?  Is the idea of settling enough for me and the way that I want to spend the rest of my life?  Of course, this is a huge decision and one that I know that I must make in order to live the life that I want.

I know that I am not alone.  I know that there are lots of other people who realize that the situation in which they find themselves may not be where they want to be.  The question then becomes what is most important in your life?  Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone and become what you really want to be?  Perhaps you might not even know what it is that you would like to pursue if it is different than what you are currently doing.  If what you want to do requires more education, are you willing to do what it takes to pursue that learning?  Perhaps what you would prefer to do would require your moving to a different location.  If that is the case, are you willing to give up your current home and friends and perhaps even family that lives around you?  These are all questions that need your answers in order to make a major change in your life.

I am not advocating that anyone go out and quit their job tomorrow.  I am however suggesting that each person do a real assessment regarding where they are in life and what they really want for themselves.  Doing an assessment allows for a clear decision to be made rather than just wondering about what might be or may have been.  An assessment may result in your realization that where you are is exactly where you want to be because it is comfortable and safe and easy and it may allow for you to have the free time and luxury to pursue your own hobbies and  activities.  But, your assessment may also remind you that there is something else that you would absolutely love to pursue and may set you on the path of pursuing that goal right now.  And should you decide that what you are doing is not necessarily what you would prefer but you do not find it to be a smart goal for you to pursue at this time, that is fine, too.  At least you will know that you made your own choice and perhaps if there is something else that you think you would like to pursue, perhaps you can do it at a later point in your life or perhaps choose to do that in your next lifetime.  It is all up to you and it is your choice.