What I Think About the Casey Anthony Trial

In Creating Happiness, Domestic Abuse News, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

Like all of the other people with whom I have spoken, I was shocked by the verdicts in the Casey Anthony trial.  Two jurors, one regular and one alternate, have spoken out about the decision.  The regular juror indicated that they could not convict because the cause of death had not been proven.  The alternate indicated that they did not believe that Casey was guilty because she was a good mother.  Both indicated that they had no choice but to acquit based on the evidence and the fact that the prosecutors did not prove their case.  But, unless I watched an entirely different case, I will never understand this decision.

I hope that Casey never has a moment of peace for what she did to her daughter.  No one has the right to take the life of any person and it is even more horrific to me when it is a child who they are supposed to protect.  And I beg that she never has another child of her own or an adopted child who may have to face the same insanity that allowed Kaylee to lose her life.

Why would the cause of death be the deciding factor?  What difference does it make?  Kaylee is dead, no doubt about it.  How many times have guilty verdicts been reached with no body at all?  I thought that the law stated that it was necessary to prove, beyond a “reasonable” doubt, who was the person responsible for the death.  It is hard for me to look past the fact that Casey’s mom was the one who initially reported the disappearance of her granddaughter after more than a month and that she indicated that the trunk of Casey’s car smelled like a dead person.  It is hard for me to believe that Kaylee accidentally drowned when there was duct tape on her skull.  It is hard for me to believe that Casey wasn’t the one who was researching chloroform on the family’s computer.  And with all of the ever changing stories about the child being with the nanny, then being kidnapped by the nanny, etc., I don’t think that there was even a “reasonable” doubt Casey was totally, completely and absolutely responsible for Kaylee’s death.

The alternate indicated that the jury members believed that Casey was a good mother.  I would love to know on what basis that determination was made.  If your child was missing and you believed that she was kidnapped, wouldn’t you call the police?  If your child was missing, would you be out partying and having a fun time in the nightclubs?  If your daughter was missing, wouldn’t you be out searching with everyone else in order to find her?  I saw one video where Casey was playing with Kaylee but I wouldn’t think that she would be classified as a good mother on that basis.  I just can’t understand what would have been entered into evidence in that courtroom that would have led anyone to believe that Casey was a good mother.

So here we are left with no justice for Kaylee.  How can that be?  A 2-year old is dead and no justice will be served in her having lost her life.  What could have been done differently that could have resulted in the jury convicting Casey?  I really haven’t a clue as I thought that there was certainly more than enough evidence to convict Casey.  So Casey not only gets off with her life but she also gets her freedom!  Now what!

Here is my hope for Casey’s future.  I hope that she is not able to make a single penny off of this travesty.  I am sure that there will be those who will line up to pay her a lot of money for interviews and book rights and/or movie rights and I hope that no one will pay their good money or spend their good time watching or fueling her money coffers because she killed her daughter.  I hope that her 15 minutes of fame ends as soon as she gets out of jail.  I do hope that she is sued civilly as has been suggested by the woman who is a nanny and lost her ability to work because she had the same name as the bogus nanny who supposedly kidnapped Kaylee.  And I hope that Casey never has a moment of peace for what she did to her daughter.  No one has the right to take the life of any person and it is even more horrific to me when it is a child who they are supposed to protect.  And I beg that she never has another child of her own or an adopted child who may have to face the same insanity that allowed Kaylee to lose her life.