I have spent my life working a job in order to provide a living for myself and to pay my bills and be a responsible member of society. The jobs have never really mattered that much to me as I understood early on that I could learn to do anything that I wanted to do. I also quickly realized that it was most important to me to have awesome people around me with whom I could work in order to make the job fun. However, I have always yearned to do something that I really loved to do with people that I really loved to be around. That began when I started to write my weekly blog and to get involved as a patient advocate and to work on social media with my husband, Kirk, in order to create the best site that we could.
I want for others to know what it is like to do something that you really love. I want you to know what it feels like to be engaged in something that it so enjoyable that the time just flies by.
For the last 9 1/2 years, this has been my focus. I love doing the research that is involved in being able to find the latest information in the healthcare industry to help others. I love learning about the most recent books and articles that can be shared to remind others that regardless of what they are going through, there are others in the same boat and that there is lot of information available to make the struggles just a bit easier. I completely enjoy sharing lots of laughs with my fellow tweeters and learning about other websites that are engaged in support and inspiration for others dealing with cancer and domestic abuse so that we can all work together and support one another in order to reach a wider audience with the help and information that we have available for them. And I finally know what it is like to love what you do as well as being able to work with some very special people.
I want for others to know what it is like to do something that you really love. I want you to know what it feels like to be engaged in something that it so enjoyable that the time just flies by. Just because you can’t do something that you love on a full-time basis doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do it at all. Whatever it is that is of interest to you, I promise you that there is something that you can do in that area.
Perhaps there is a volunteer position doing what you enjoy that you may ultimately be able to turn into a full-time position. If you want to be a singer, then you might want to go to clubs where there is an open mic opportunity for you to perform so that others will see what you can do. If you are a sports enthusiast, you might want to show your abilities as a statistician or a water boy or a locker room assistant. If you are a great cook, perhaps you can get some time at a local restaurant to showcase your abilities. It doesn’t matter what it is that you really enjoy doing, you can always find a way to get involved in doing it at some venue or in some way that can lead to something bigger for you. There is an old saying that says it all – “Where there is a will, there is a way”. The only thing that will get in your way in accomplishing something that you truly want to do is yourself.
From your own experience, it doesn’t take long to understand that fear of the unknown or fear of how you look or fear that you won’t succeed still results in fear that will keep you from reaching the success that you want. No one says that it will be easy but it is never really hard work if you are doing something that you really want to do and working toward a goal that you have set for yourself. And no matter the outcome, there is never, ever anything that will take away from the fact that you did something that was important to you and you made your own decision about whether you wanted to make it your life’s work.
Barbara Jacoby is an award winning blogger that has contributed her writings to multiple online publications that have touched readers worldwide.