By: Tim Huzar From: Stage 3 breast cancer refers to cancer in the breast that has spread to several nearby lymph nodes. Doctors also describe breast cancer as stage 3 if a tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and cancer has spread to any lymph nodes, but not to distant organs. At stage 3, breast cancer may also spread …
End-of-life symptoms of metastatic breast cancer
By: Jennifer Berry From: Metastatic breast cancer occurs when the cancer spreads from the breast to another part of the body. Symptoms and treatment for this stage of breast cancer are different to those of the earlier stages. Doctors may also refer to metastatic breast cancer as advanced breast cancer or stage 4 breast cancer. Many people live for …
My doctor has recommended that I consider a breast cancer clinical trial, but …
Sponsored by: NYU Winthrop Hospital From: Douglas Marks, MD and Nina D’Abreo, MD …the idea of receiving a treatment that is not yet approved makes me nervous. I thought clinical trials were for patients with no further treatment options? A: Dr. Douglas Marks: Great question. Medical oncology clinical trials can involve enhanced diagnostic testing, medical treatments and lifestyle interventions. …
No Benefit From Routine Thyroid Cancer Screening?
By: Robert Preidt From: Doctors should not screen for thyroid cancer in patients who have no symptoms of the disease, according to a U.S. Preventive Services Task Force draft recommendation. It reaffirms a recommendation issued 20 years ago. Thyroid cancer is rare in the United States. In 2016, an estimated 64,300 new cases will be diagnosed, representing 3.8 percent …
Researchers identify marker of aggressive disease for papillary thyroid cancer
Source: University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry From: A new discovery from University of Alberta scientists represents an important milestone in the fight against thyroid cancer. In a study published in EBioMedicine and recently presented at the American Thyroid Association annual meeting, the team has identified a marker of aggressive disease for papillary thyroid cancer, which comprises …
Cancer services weakened by coalition’s NHS shakeup, says report
By: Denis Campbell From: Cancer services have been weakened by the coalition’s shakeup of the NHS and lack the money to cope with the growing number of people getting the disease, a report on Monday claims. Diagnostic and treatment services are under such strain that improvements in recent years are in danger of unravelling, according to the charity Cancer …
More Accurate Identification of Molecular Subgroups May Better Guide Neoadjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer
By Susan Reckling From: BluePrint in combination with MammaPrint molecular subtyping reclassified more than 20% of breast cancer patients into a different subgroup compared with conventional assessment, according to the results of the prospective Neoadjuvant Breast Registry Symphony Trial (NBRST). In Annals of Surgical Oncology, Whitworth et al reported that this reclassification of patients led to an improved distribution …