By: Courtney Franchio, Program Manager, VA National Oncology Program From: VA breast cancer resources and services At VA, breast cancer awareness is more than wearing pink ribbons. It’s about empowering individuals, especially Veterans and their caregivers, with the knowledge and resources to take charge of their health, know their risk factors and support those facing the diagnosis from treatment …
New caregiving resources are here!
From: National Breast Cancer Foundation Sharing two new guides. The first resource is designed specifically for caregivers, and the second is for those approaching breast cancer surgery. Cancer Caregiver Guide Our brand-new Cancer Caregiver Guide was created specifically with caregivers of cancer patients in mind. This guide will help you with many aspects of caregiving, from establishing a support system …
5 Tips for Finding the Breast Cancer Support You Need
From: A breast cancer diagnosis can seem daunting at first, but getting the help you need can ease the burden of treatment and survivorship. Hearing the news you have breast cancer can be crushing. I’ll never forget the day, in 2018, when I was diagnosed. One in eightTrusted Source U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their …
Understanding Depression and Anxiety in People with Breast Cancer
From: Having breast cancer and going through treatment can stir up all kinds of emotions. You might cycle through a range of feelings, including sadness, anger, disbelief, and grief. It’s common to feel depressed or anxious about a disease that affects your life in so many ways. Pain, tiredness, and other cancer symptoms make it hard to sleep and …
How Metastatic Breast Cancer Affects Everyone in the Family
By: Kristie L. Kahl From: A patient receiving a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer might immediately worry about how the disease will affect their family dynamics. Among the many challenges: how to discuss the diagnosis with children of any age. In partnership with METAvivor, a group dedicated to research, awareness and support focused on the needs of women and …
Resources for Young Patients With Cancer
By: Debi Fischer, MSW, BSN, BA, LCSW, RN From: Besides Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok to link them to the outside world, there are also cancer websites specifically geared for younger patients with cancer. Nurses, you may have noticed that some of your patients are younger than you. In many cases, patients are decades younger than the nurses taking …