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FDA Grants Fast-Track Designation to CX-5461 in Treatment of Certain Patients with Breast or Ovarian Cancer

In In The News by Barbara Jacoby

By: Conor Killmurray From: The FDA has granted a fast-track designation to the G-quadruplex stabilizer CX-5461 for BRCA1/2, PALB2, or HRD mutations in their breast or ovarian cancer. The FDA granted a fast-track designation to the first-in-class G-quadruplex stabilizer CX-5461 (Pindnarulex) for the treatment of patients with BRCA1/2, PALB2, or other homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) mutations in their breast or ovarian …

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Four-stranded DNA structures found to play role in breast cancer

In Clinical Studies News by Barbara Jacoby

Source: University of Cambridge From: Four stranded DNA structures – known as G-quadruplexes – have been shown to play a role in certain types of breast cancer for the first time, providing a potential new target for personalised medicine, say scientists at the University of Cambridge. In 1953, Cambridge researchers Francis Crick and James Watson co-authored a study published …