On Being Selected as the About.com Breast Cancer Expert

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

About featureIf you have ever had a question that you wanted to research on the Internet, there is a good chance that you took your inquiry to a site titled “About.com”. I know that I have on many occasions. So it was with great excitement and gratitude that when I was asked whether I would be interested in being the breast cancer “expert” for their breast cancer site, I immediately accepted. What an opportunity I believe this to be!

For those of you who are familiar with my Let Life Happen blog site, I write a new blog once a week as I am doing here. During the week, I focus on what is in the news regarding the current research, trials, events, inspirational stories, etc. and post throughout the day including a feature article on the site on the tab, “In the News”. The outcome of this format has resulted in a second website that has been created titled “When Breast Cancer Happens” which is being developed as a resource site for all questions and needs pertaining to the breast cancer journey along with stories from those who have been inspired by someone who is dealing with or has dealt with breast cancer.

The most important thing to remember about this blog site is that it belongs to all of us. We share a bond albeit one that we would not choose for ourselves but one that puts us into a unique position of understanding about the breast cancer journey.

However, neither site is designed for my blogging about breast cancer to the extent that is provided by the opportunity with the breast cancer section on about.com. Therefore, I was very appreciative to be able to provide 10 blogs of my own personal choosing each month to a site that attracts so many inquiries. It provides a real venue to share some of my own experiences as well as those of others. It is a place to share commentary about issues that every person who is diagnosed will face. It is a site where one will quickly learn that they are not alone in their feelings and concerns. And while all material that is presented here is non-medical, I learned a long time ago that the answers that I needed most had nothing to do with those that would be provided by my very reliable team of doctors.

The site is already populated with 10 articles and each time that a new article is added at the top, the other articles will be pushed down which allows for the most current material to always be seen on the page. I hope that you will visit the site and let me know whether there are topics that you would like to have addressed there. The most important thing to remember about this blog site is that it belongs to all of us. We share a bond albeit one that we would not choose for ourselves but one that puts us into a unique position of understanding about the breast cancer journey. From our perspective, we have the ability to help others who may be either newly diagnosed, in the throes of treatment or living a life forever changed by breast cancer. I would also like to include information and support for those who are there to help with a patient’s care and just about anything else that will support and inspire all of us who want to make a difference in this way. So, please join me and share. Together we can and will make a difference.