Everywhere you look, people are busy with their last minute shopping, holiday decorating and get-togethers as Christmas Day fast approaches. Along with the music, a feeling of hope and anticipation fills the air. And while many are enjoying every single detail of their personal celebration plans, there are still many who are not yet touched by the spirit of the season. And maybe, just maybe, it is because they don’t understand the true meaning of this season.
And while I know that I will love anything that I receive because someone cared to remember me with anything that they may choose, the excitement and anticipation that comes with the giving of my selections to those who are most important in my life will continue to be like no other experience. Barbara Jacoby
Somewhere along the way, some have gotten lost in the idea that this is a time of receiving. We are taught at a very young age that we need to either visit Santa or write him a letter and ask for what we want him to deliver to us on Christmas Eve. Therefore, it really should be no surprise when children turn into adults who continue to perpetuate this same notion about this holiday. And if you feel the same way as this group, I would like to suggest that you consider taking a look at the other aspect, and that is the giving.
I can’t begin to explain how much fun it is to come up with ideas for those who are most important to us. If you don’t believe me, just observe a small child who has saved up some money throughout the year and is now out shopping with their father in search of the perfect gift for mother. That child will look and look until they spot what they believe to be the “perfect” gift and the excitement in its purchase can be seen on their face and in their excited reaction. And then the real fun begins when you observe them trying to keep the secret of what they have prepared until Christmas Day.
When it comes to giving, the main consideration is creativity. Although some people may be easy to satisfy because you know exactly what they would like, for others it may take a bit more thinking or clever questioning. But, whatever you choose, know that it is all about the thought that counts. If you don’t have the money to buy presents for the holiday, there is nothing like some homemade cookies or other food treats especially when they only make their appearance at this time of the year. Any handmade gifts are always a big hit as the receiver knows how much time and effort was needed for their creation and they know that they must be special to the giver to have given of themselves in such a special way. I know that for me as I was growing up, the most important part was our special traditions like baking holiday cookies together and the get-together on Christmas Eve that included our grandparents that began with a meal together and the sharing of the gifts that we had gotten for each other. Then on Christmas morning, we opened our gifts from Santa and had breakfast together before heading off to church to share in the real message of Christmas with family and friends.
Although I may have long ago forgotten all of the specific gifts that I received over the year, I do remember all of the very special ones that I was given. As an example, I received my doll at the age of 7 and I loved her more than I can say. And although she may have ended up in the attic with matted hair and no clothes, there was never a present that I appreciated more than when my parents gave her back to me some 25 years later. You see, they had found her and taken her to a doll hospital where she was given a new wig and a brand new set of clothes like those she had worn all of those years when I had played with her as a child. But, it was even more exciting to me when I was able to give her to my niece when she was just a little girl with the hope that she would enjoy her, too.
So, even today as the holidays again approach, the best part of this time of the year remains the excitement of finding something that is special and meaningful for each person on my list. And while I know that I will love anything that I receive because someone cared to remember me with anything that they may choose, the excitement and anticipation that comes with the giving of my selections to those who are most important in my life will continue to be like no other experience. And just in case you might doubt what I am saying, just give it a try yourself and tell me whether you don’t have the exact same experience. Oh, and while I am at it, I want to send along to each of you my very special greetings for this holiday and a ton of hugs so that you have enough of them to share with everyone with whom you choose to share this time.
Barbara Jacoby is an award winning blogger that has contributed her writings to multiple online publications that have touched readers worldwide.