Lolly’s Locks Connects High-Quality Wigs With Cancer Patients Who Can’t Afford Them

In In The News by Barbara Jacoby

LLH network pressLolly’s Lock, is the only nationwide charity providing high-quality wigs to cancer patients in need.  The charity was founded one year ago by the family of Lolly Toll from Washington, DC who passed away from cancer in March 2012.  Since its inception, Lolly’s Locks has provided 36 women in 17 states with wigs and plans to distribute 50 wigs by November.

After founding Lolly’s Locks, both Jaime Wright, the current executive director of Lolly’s Locks, and her sister, tested positive for the BRCA mutation (like Angelina Jolie), which puts them at a high risk for developing breast and ovarian cancer.

In August 2013, Jaime’s sister Lauren underwent a preventative double mastectomy and Jaime plans to do the same. Being carriers of the gene has only reinforced their desire to ensure that every woman who wants a wig can have one regardless of financial situation.

Lolly’s Locks connects high-quality wigs with cancer patients who are suffering hair loss as an effect of chemotherapy, and who are unable to afford them.  Lolly’s Locks is a way to honor the memory of wife and mother-extraordinaire, Lolly Toll, who lost her 15-month battle of cancer in March, 2012. While she was sick, Lolly endured more than 20 chemotherapy treatments and eventually lost her hair.  Despite this, Lolly never let her cancer or the effects of chemo keep her from living and enjoying her life.  She went out and bought two high-end wigs that made her look and feel as close to herself as possible, and she went right on making beautiful memories with all of the people that she loved.

When Lolly and her daughters first went to purchase her wig, they were stunned to learn that high-quality wigs typically range from $1,500-$3,000.  They were even more surprised to find out that insurance covers very little, if any, of this cost.

Lolly, a constant optimist, never forgot to count her blessings, even after she got sick. She often reflected on how lucky she was to have her wigs, which she credited with allowing her to participate fully in the activities that she always loved without having to feel self-conscious, and made it possible for her to have a sense of normalcy a time which was anything but.  Despite the gravity of her diagnosis, she was sure that she was going to get better, and, once she did, she planned to use her time and resources to help less fortunate women battling cancer have access to the same high-quality wigs that she did.

Now that Lolly has passed away, her family founded Lolly’s Locks to carry out the mission of getting high-quality wigs into the hands of women who would not be able to afford them otherwise.

Please visit more information on Lolly Lock’s.