WERE YOU INSPIRED By Someone With Breast Cancer?

In Breast Cancer, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

If you visit the Let Life Happen website, you have probably seen the banner in the upper right-hand corner for a second website, When Breast Cancer Happens. This second site was developed specifically to deal only with all things breast-cancer related. One part of the site is dedicated to current research and resources that has continued to evolve since initial launch in February. But now it is time to add the second major part that is titled “I WAS INSPIRED By Someone With Breast Cancer”. Please let me explain.

I would like for you to share your own story about someone you know who has had breast cancer. It may be a man or a woman, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, a relative, a friend or an acquaintance.

Every person who has been diagnosed with breast cancer has a story that is as uniquely individual as each person. We encounter these stories in books and magazines and blogs and websites all the time and they remind us that each person who is dealing with breast cancer is not alone and often we can learn some new or unique way of dealing with breast cancer and treatments, etc. But, I am moved to uncover a different story and that is the one that is described by another person who has been inspired by someone they know who has dealt with breast cancer. Therefore, I am putting out a call to everyone who has been inspired or influenced or touched by someone they know who has dealt with breast cancer.

You will see in the accompanying picture to this story a red button that I call the “I AM INSPIRED” button. Wherever you see this button, you can click on it and be taken to the “When Breast Cancer Happens” website where I would like for you to share your own story about someone you know who has had breast cancer. It may be a man or a woman, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, a relative, a friend or an acquaintance. I would like for you to tell us how that person positively influenced you and your life because of the breast cancer journey that they have taken. You are encouraged to include a photo of that person that we can also include on our “Inspire Wall”. You may also choose to submit an Instagram or other video of the story that you would like to share. You choose and we will do everything possible to present your story in the best way possible.

If you are wondering why I am doing this, I would like to explain that I have been at both ends of this spectrum. I have been the person who knows someone who has inspired me by their story as well as being someone who was the inspiration for someone else. I am grateful to have the opportunity to tell others about those who have inspired me but I also know what it means to someone diagnosed with breast cancer who knows that their journey has been something that has positively helped or inspired someone else. It makes a difference – a big difference – to know that your role as storyteller or story subject has helped and/or inspired or influenced someone else.

We will be building out this part of the site over the next two months for a debut at the beginning of October. But, we need your help to make this happen. We want to honor those people who have dealt with breast cancer and this is our way of doing so that we think will be most meaningful to them – through your eyes and your lives. So please click and start sharing and together we can create an awesome homage to those in our lives whose journey has inspired others. There is no greater tribute than this for anyone who has ever faced the breast cancer challenge.