I Have Spring Fever

In Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

As I sat down to write this week’s blog, there were so many things going through my mind that I considered for a topic but I just couldn’t keep my focus on a single one of them.  I kept looking out the window after what I believe was the last rain of the season and the sun was finally shining.  I see the trees flowering and the leaves are all in bloom and the temperature is suppose to be in the 70’s and 80’s this week and my heart is about to explode.  Spring has arrived and now it has arrived within me as well.  And I plan to keep it right there for a very long time. 

I didn’t realize how much it has affected me until I started to assess the last couple of days.  It started with the arrival of two new pairs of shoes that came in  on Friday.  One pair is the navy sandals that I have finally found after a more than 3-year search and the other is a pair of black flip flops with big white polka dots.

There is nothing more important than love and to let go of all the other stuff in our lives and just share the world around us through eyes that choose to see nothing but beauty and happiness and contentment.
Guess that set the stage for I then headed out yesterday to the salon to get a cool short haircut for the season and then I stopped at the drug store and was struck by a bottle of awesome blue nail polish.  Oh, I was on a roll. 

The mood continued into today and I started out with doing some sit-ups and then colored my hair.  While the hair was doing its thing, I manicured my nails and got them ready for polishing.  Jumped into the shower and washed out the hair color and styled the hair and headed to the kitchen for a bite to eat.  After the cleanup, I polished the toe nails for the start of the sandal season and then applied that blue polish on my finger nails.  Wow, what a difference that made.  My mood turned to anything but blue and I found myself moving in a totally different way.  In keeping with the mood, I just continued with a touch more shopping as I ordered a new pair of oversized sunglasses that will complete my new spring look. 

I can’t tell you how delighted I feel.  Just a few little things that I would normally need to purchase or have done anyway but selected with a whole new attitude has made an enormous difference.  These fun changes on the outside are making things lighter and more fun on the inside and that can’t help but make life better all the way around.  I need the sun and the warm weather and the birds singing and the breezes that carry all of the spring fragrances to make me feel like the most special person in the world.  I love the changes that occur in the world around me which so positively affects those around me, too.  It just feels like there is so much more joy in the air. 

I hope this feeling of spring fever will spread to everyone else around me.  It makes life so much more fun and freer and really represents what I believe is the way that we should all live every day of our lives.  There is nothing more important than love and to let go of all the other stuff in our lives and just share the world around us through eyes that choose to see nothing but beauty and happiness and contentment.  I promise that if you do this for just one day, you will never want to live your life in any other way.