It’s my favorite day of the year. I love everything about this day – not only all of the traditions that we have created in our family but mostly because of what it stands for.
I think that I am the most grateful person in the world today. Since last year, the cancer returned but is now gone and everything is looking very promising for the future. I had wonderful doctors to help me along the way and am so very happy to have my life.
I am so very grateful for the most wonderful spouse ever. I don’t know what I would have done without him in facing all of the hard times but he was there every second of the time. That is not surprising because he has always been right by my side during the hard time and he makes the good times totally remarkable and fun. There is nothing more important to me.
I have a job that I really enjoy and the promise for the future looks good there also. It is so great to join a group of people each day that support each other and help each other and laugh together. For this opportunity, I am ever so happy.
We have two autos that are working well. One is a company car for Kirk. Our second car which was 20 years old and in pretty bad condition was recently replaced by a used car that we were able to obtain in a most incredible deal under terms that we could afford – and we did not have to deal with a single car sales person. How would I not be thankful for that!
We have everything that we need to make a wonderful life together and that is most important. We don’t need fancy things nor the biggest and best of everything but we have exactly what we need which is trust and understanding and most of all, love.
So on Thursday as I prepare our traditional dinner and we sit down to share not only the food but also all of the things for which we are thankful, I will have the longest list of all. I will reflect on the past year and be appreciative for all of my good fortunes. And I will also know that in the coming year I will be grateful and thankful for each and every day of this life that I am given. And as long as I feel such happiness inside for everything that I have, how could I want for anything more?