FREE Subscription Available Now to Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine

In In The News by Barbara Jacoby

Breast cancer survivors in the United States of America have received an invitation from Beverly Vote, Publisher, Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine, to receive a free subscription (a $19.00 value) to her nationally-recognized magazine.

In her own words, Beverly shared the following:

I just didn’t know what to do during this time, but the needs of breast cancer survivors have taken a back seat during all of this unrest; I hope this little bit of love will lift breast cancer survivors and let them know they are not forgotten.

If you wish to receive this free magazine subscription, which is being offered for a limited time, you can sign up at:

I want to thank Beverly and her team for reaching out to us in this most generous way and reminding all of us that we have not been forgotten during this pandemic even though it may seems to be that way so very often.