Did Kim Kardashian Abuse Her Husband?

In Domestic Abuse News, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

I did not watch the premiere episode of Kim Kardashian’s series last Sunday but I couldn’t help but take notice of the clip that was included in a story from Dr. Drew Pinsky accusing Kim of domestic violence against her soon-to-be-ex husband.  On my first pass of the clip, I was taken aback by the intensity with which she threw a punch at Kris Humphries but I must admit that I did not immediately say to myself that what she was doing was domestic abuse.  After all, she is so small in size in comparison to her athlete husband.

This incident also puts a face on domestic violence against men.  Most people will look at this as something funny but it is anything but that.  A woman who can strike her husband, partner, child, etc. is an abuser and needs help.
But, as I started to read the article, I was immediately aware of the fact that I had fallen into the same trap as most people in not recognizing the physical violence and I should be one of the first people who should know better.

Dr. Drew is absolutely correct in his assessment and this is further corroborated by his guest speaker for this piece, clinical psychologist Michelle Golland.  I don’t know whether this was the first time that she launched a physical attack on him but this is the way that a cycle of abuse begins.  The incident occurred after Kris accidentally broke her toenail.  I can’t begin to imagine the anger that must have welled up inside of her to even consider taking a punch at someone who would certainly be in a position to wreak incredible harm upon her unless she was very secure in the knowledge that he would never do anything like that.  And over an accidentally broken toe nail?  I can’t even begin to imagine what she would do if it was something that was of a really important nature.

I can only hope that those who watched the show and those who may have read or seen the story will take a moment to understand that this is the face of domestic violence.  It doesn’t matter if it is Kim and Kris or your friends or family or neighbors.  Anyone who can physically hit, punch, etc. another human being is being abusive and this is a crime.  Think about it if it were one stranger taking a swing at another stranger.  That would be immediate grounds for a charge of assault and battery.

This incident also puts a face on domestic violence against men.  Most people will look at this as something funny but it is anything but that.  A woman who can strike her husband, partner, child, etc. is an abuser and needs help.  No one should ever attack another person regardless of the circumstances unless it is in self-defense in response to a crime being committed against them.  Please understand that a person who is able to attack another adult is also very capable of inflicting abuse on a child so if you know of a relationship where a partner is abusing another person, you can be quite sure that if there are children in that relationship, the children are being abused also.

Kim Kardashian needs help.  This is a growing epidemic throughout the world and this incident once more brings that to light.  This behavior will escalate as her anger and frustrations escalate and she will find a new recipient for her abuse after Kris is gone.  I can only hope that as we all see and read more about abuse, we will step up to the plate and do our part to help those who are in need.  The children are growing up in a very angry and abusive world and if we all do our part to stop the abuse, we can make a better life for everyone.

If you or anyone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, you can seek help through the National Domestic Violence Hotline – 800-799-SAFE (7233) – 1.800.787.3224 (TTY).