SCREENER Eligibility Criteria: Adult who has been diagnosed with Stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer whose tumor was not able to be removed by surgery prior to treatment Excluding patients whose tumors were able to be removed by surgery prior to treatment NOTE: Only patients with verified diagnoses will be considered US resident Details: At home opportunity 2-hour patient advisory …
Savvy Cooperative: Diagnosed with cancer to give feedback on language and support information in an oncology brochure
SCREENER Eligibility Criteria: Patients or Caregiver of someone who has been diagnosed with cancer Details: Mailed brochure for review Up to two ninety-minute focus groups Receive: Up to $385 USD Link: Why Sign Up? Your experiences are so valuable and important to creating better products and services, that companies and researchers will pay you just for sharing your experience … Locally advanced squamous Cell Head and Neck Cancer
Eligibility Criteria Adult patients with locally advanced squamous cell head and neck cancer in the US Specifically seeking those with throat (pharynx, oropharynx) and voicebox (larynx, hypopharynx) cancer Study Details Patients with locally advanced squamous cell head and neck cancer Specifically with throat (pharynx, oropharynx) and voicebox (larynx, hypopharynx) cancer You will receive $125 for a 75 min virtual interview … Pancreatic Cancer Interview (US, UK, Germany)
Eligibility Criteria Adult patients with pancreatic cancer or their caregivers Study Details Patients with pancreatic cancer and their caregivers 60 minute interview +30 minute pre-work task for caregivers only Compensation US: 175 USD Germany: 150 EUR UK: 100 GBP Links to Sign up US and UK: Germany: Why sign up with Participating in research is an incredible … Squamous Cell Head and Neck Cancer
Eligibility Criteria Adults in the US who have been diagnosed squamous cell head and neck cancer and their caregivers Study Details Patients are invited to participate in 120 minutes of activities on a secure online platform that can be completed at their own pace. Caregivers are invited to complete 45 minutes of a pre-task activity followed by a 60 minute …
STILL OPENED: Paid Ovarian Cancer Patient Interview
Eligibility Criteria Patients in the US living with ovarian cancer (Stage 3-4) who are willing to discuss their experiences. Study Details Stage 3-4 ovarian cancer patients and their caregivers are invited to participate in a paid study to discuss your experiences with ovarian cancer. Compensation $125 for your time, with additional compensation for an optional pre-work task Link to Sign …
Rare Patient Voice Research opportunity for Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Head and Neck Cancer) patients
Details: 20-min pre-work, 75-min web-assisted phone interview Please sign up at the link below to receive an email invite to the survey. Compensation $160 ($35 for prework, $125 for interview). Now accepting Residents from ALL Countries!! * Companies have finally realized the REAL EXPERTS are the Patients and Caregivers! * Better products, services, and treatments, Start with Better Research. They …
Rare Patient Voice Research opportunity for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients and Caregivers living in Canada
Details: 90 min web-assisted phone interview (plus homework) Please sign up at the link below to receive an email invite to the survey. Compensation CAD 240 Now accepting Residents from ALL Countries!! * Companies have finally realized the REAL EXPERTS are the Patients and Caregivers! * Better products, services, and treatments, Start with Better Research. They need YOUR input and …
Rare Patient Voice Research opportunity for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients and Caregivers living in Canada
Details: 90 min web-assisted phone interview (plus homework) Please sign up at the link below to receive an email invite to the survey. Compensation CAD 280 Now accepting Residents from ALL Countries!! * Companies have finally realized the REAL EXPERTS are the Patients and Caregivers! * Better products, services, and treatments, Start with Better Research. They need YOUR input and …
Rare Patient Voice Research opportunity for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)Patients
Details: 60 min Webcam Interview (plus homework) Please sign up at the link below to receive an email invite to the survey. Compensation $200 Now accepting Residents from ALL Countries!! * Companies have finally realized the REAL EXPERTS are the Patients and Caregivers! * Better products, services, and treatments, Start with Better Research. They need YOUR input and are willing …