BREASTation Presents A Breast Nipple Reconstruction

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

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One of the most important decisions that a woman will face after a mastectomy is whether to have a breast reconstruction.  What has made this decision even more difficult is not knowing what to expect.  Recent statistics that I have seen indicate that 89% of women who are deciding on reconstruction want to know more about the process.  Therefore, the video series that is happening at The BREASTation is fulfilling that most important request.

If you are considering reconstruction or if you know someone who is considering it, please arm yourself with as much information as you can and feel free to discuss it with your plastic surgeon.

The most recent video that has been added shows a nipple reconstruction procedure that is one of the final steps.  Being able to see the process really helps to take away the fear of the unknown.  No matter who you are, the more knowledge and information that you have, the easier the decision becomes.  That is why I believe that the information that is being provided in this video series is so important.

From my own personal point of view, I know what it was like for me to face reconstruction without really knowing what to expect.  Each person’s experience is totally different and it becomes extremely difficult to make a personal decision based upon the tales of so many individuals.  That is why it is so helpful to see the reality of a procedure and decide on a completely personal basis what will work for you.

The other important message that is conveyed in this video is the importance of having a plastic surgeon in whom you have complete faith and trust.  Knowing that the person who is doing your surgery is fully qualified and licensed to do so will certainly help to calm any fears.  The other important factor is knowing that the doctor who is performing your surgery is someone who truly cares about each and every patient that he/she treats.

If you are considering reconstruction or if you know someone who is considering it, please arm yourself with as much information as you can and feel free to discuss it with your plastic surgeon.  The peace of mind of the patient is so important in her treatment and recovery .  We must consider that a patient has just had one or more parts of her body removed and this has not only physical repercussions but psychological ones as well.  All of these factors need to be taken into consideration.

There is nothing wrong with a person choosing not to have reconstruction.  My only concern is whether a person has chosen not to have that reconstruction because of fear of the unknown.  That is why I want everyone to have access to the information about the process in a realistic presentation so that decisions can be made based upon a real assessment of the process and not from a lack of knowledge.  That is the reason I direct you to The BREASTation, which is a work in progress.  The site has only been up for 3 months and will continue to grow as new videos are added but already the impact of its presence is being felt.  It is all about knowledge – now and in the future.