Announcing “60 Top Cancer Blogs for Advice, Support and Inspiration”

In Breast Cancer, Creating Happiness, Recent Posts by Barbara Jacoby

I recently received an email with the above-referenced subject line and all sorts of thoughts went through my mind, not the least of which, of course, was whether I had made this list. DelImmune, a leading provider of immune system supplements, published the list but I had never heard of them or had any connection to them. Therefore, my curiosity was aroused and I had to check this out.

What a wonderful resource DelImmune has created here for those who are looking for assistance in navigating the non-medical aspects of a cancer journey.

The first thing that caught my attention was that they had named 5 bloggers in each of 12 different categories that included 11 different types of cancer plus 1 titled Cancer Survivors. Yes, that’s right 11 types of cancer including breast, ovarian, pancreatic, brain, colon, lung, cervical, childhood/pediatric, prostate, leukemia and melanoma. It is no wonder that the competition is so great for the limited dollars that are available to fund research into the causes and possible cures for cancer. I just never recognized that there were so many different ones until they were all listed next to each other.

The next thing that I realized was that I was more than humbled to be included on this list because of the criteria that DelImmune had used to make its selections. I encourage you to read the several paragraphs at their website but one part jumped out at me which could have been taken directly from my own path. It reads:

“What often starts as a simple coping strategy, or a catharsis, grows into something much bigger. The online world gives people with chronic and terminal diseases the ability to connect with one another virtually – offering support and encouragement, sharing struggles, getting inspiration, and learning about alternative and experimental treatment options that have worked for others who share their devastating diagnosis.”

That is how it happened for me and I am so very grateful to know that my mission here is understood and is important to others as well.
There was one other noteworthy aspect to what the DelImmune people have done here and that was to include links to 3 blogs written by each blogger that they particularly liked. I can’t begin to imagine how many actual blog postings they must have read in order to select 3 of them for 60 people out of all of those posted.

But, most importantly, in the cover email that I received there was included the reason why this list was compiled and it reads in part:

“After following a few blogs chronicling the journeys of families, we decided to look around at the many cancer blogs on the web and realized what an incredible wealth of comfort, advice and simple understanding exists in the blogging world from individuals sharing their cancer journeys, family members chronicling the emotional journey of a spouse, child or loved one with cancer, and advocates who work to raise awareness and work towards funding to find a cure every day. We created this list as a resource for families and individuals who are going through their own journeys and could benefit from just feeling like there’s someone else in the world who actually understands what they’re going through.”

What a wonderful resource DelImmune has created here for those who are looking for assistance in navigating the non-medical aspects of a cancer journey. I have always been more than glad to acknowledge that we, as cancer patients, receive fantastic medical treatments and assistance from our team of doctors. However, what has been lacking is the support and acknowledgment that is needed regarding the mental journey that is taken by each patient and those who are there to provided support and comfort to that patient. Each of these people needs help and support as well and this is definitely a wonderful way to help. Thank you to DelImmune. What you have created means so much more to me than just having been included on your list and thank you on behalf of every other person who will benefit from it.